Special Dietary Needs and Allergies
Please see below for information about Special Dietary Needs and Allergies and how we can best help your student when serving them.
- Food Allergies and Intolerance
- Some food allergies can have accommodations made by the food service department. The allergy must be diagnosed by a medical professional and must fit the criteria of a disability as defined by the ADA. A medical form is required before meal accommodations can be made.
- Medical Form
- Wristband Resources
- Wristbands are a great way for our younger students with allergies to be noticed for additional food safety; especially when communication can be difficult.
- Diabetics and Carb Counts
- Carb Counts can be made available on any food served by the school district.
- Milk Alternatives
- Students with a disability that includes the inability to consume cow’s milk will have a reasonable accommodation made with a nutritionally equivalent product. Our district provides soy milk in 8oz portions. This product is available in plain, vanilla and chocolate. A variety can be provided for your child. Juice is not considered nutritionally equivalent and is not a proper accommodation at breakfast or lunch. Juice can be offered as an alternative during snack break time only.
- Vegetarian/Vegan/Religious Diets
- Although our food service program is proud to offer a large selection for students to pick from, we are unable to make all of the specialty diet foods available. From time to time, we will have options that might fit into one of these diet categories and encourage students to try something new!