Mike & Peg Lyga Education Scholarship
Available: 03/19/2024
Expires: 05/31/2024
Mike & Peg Lyga Education Scholarship
Mike taught 5th and 6th grade in West Salem for 40 years and Peg taught 1st grade. After Mike's passing, Peg set up a scholarship to honor their educational careers. It is a one-time $100 payment unless enrolled in an educational program currently in college then the amount is a $200 one-time payment.
*Graduate of West Salem High School who was a resident of the district at the time of graduation.
*Major in Education
*Preference is given to graduates already in college in an educational program.
*Paragraph on: “What made you interested in pursuing a career in education?” Or “Who influenced you the most? (on separate sheet of paper)
NAME (first, middle, last): _______________________________________________________
Present Address: ______________________________________________________________
Home Phone: __________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________
Email address: _______________________________________________________________
West Salem High School graduation year: __________________________________________
Name of University/College: ____________________________________________________
University/College Address: ___________________City: __________ State: ____ Zip: _______
Major: _________________________________ Minor: ________________________________
Please submit this application, high school transcript, undergraduate transcript and your paragraph response to the above question to: West Salem High School Student Services Office by May 31st.
West Salem High School - Student Services
Attn: Angela Elsen
490 N. Mark St.
West Salem, WI 54669